If you are looking for a home security camera system, and are considering purchasing a system from Lorex, please take a moment and read my little blog about my experience with this company. Thanks!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Disputing the Bill
At some point, I got a phone call to charge the installation. It was in the middle of a meeting with my daughter's teacher so I give them the credit card info quickly and hung up. Days later, my S.O. gets the bill and is freaking out. The bill is for about $1400.00
I get chewed out. I call back to get a breakdown of the costs and it turns out there are fees! And the extra wiring we had to buy! So we have to pay almost double of what we were originally quoted.
I don't have time to look this up right now, but I will provide a breakdown of that bill plus all the extra costs we incurred for the adapter that wasn't included in the original box, the special monitor we had to buy, and the flatscreen tv we bought which we were told by the installer could be used in lieu of a monitor (but didn't work).
So we started the process of disputing the bill. Then one of the cameras malfunctioned. And then lots of other horrible crap happened in our personal lives (which is for another blog) that prevented us from devoting the time necessary to deal with Lorex.
Given the bullshit we're getting trying to get someone to help us with our camera system that is less than 1 year old, we're going to pursue disputing the bill once again. I'll keep better records this time and will post about the ordeal to come.
People - if someone out there reads this and if you want to learn one thing, learn this: LOREX SUCKS.
Customer Service Purgatory part 2
He told me to take up my issue with the warranty department.
I think: do I want to call the warranty department and be put on hold for another half hour? Or do I want to start an angry blog? I go for the latter.
Additional notes regarding Installation from Hell
Wed 12/23/2009 4:43 PM
I am so annoyed.
Our camera installer kept us waiting for several days to finish the installation of the camera system.
He was supposed to come by on 12/17 but had to cancel. When he called to cancel he said he might be able to come over the weekend on either 12/19 or 12/20 after he was finished with a job. At some point that weekend, he contacted me to let me know he couldn’t come but promised he would come over on Monday 12/21. On 12/21 he called around noon to tell me he couldn’t come by after all but would be there the next day on 12/22. On 12/22 he did not show up or call to let me know he wasn’t coming. He called the morning of 12/23 and acted as though our appointment was always for Wednesday – when I pointed out it was supposed to be yesterday he said a bunch of emergencies came up. Also, when I spoke to him Wednesday morning, he wanted to cancel again because of the snow; his reason being he didn’t want to track snow into our house. I told him we really needed to get this done and to please show up.
Each day he was supposed to show up I had to stay at the house waiting for him.
On 12/23 he showed up around 9:30 to finish the install. He drilled a hole through the stairway trying to get through the closet. He promised to patch it up, but we will have to repaint. He had to cut two more holes on the wall by the closet so we didn’t have an exposed wire going up the wall. He’s supposed to patch those up too.
He is still here trying to get the remote website to work; I told him to finish with the remaining two cameras before it gets dark. He said he wouldn’t be able to come back to get the remote website to work but may be able to walk me through it over the phone.
The entire time he was here he was bitching and moaning over what a pain in the ass the camera system was.
Also, adapters for the cameras were missing; I had to buy them from the website.
Customer Service Purgatory
Okay, the company US Install that I was referred to, is actually Lorex Installation, a subsidiary of Lorex (or at least so says the recorded greeting).
I finally speak to someone and they tell me they would charge us $99 for someone to come out here and they would have to charge me to today. I declined because I think this is ridiculous. I asked whether or not there is a warranty and they said we’d have to contact Lorex about that and supply them with receipts and all that bull shit. They told me we’d have to pay first and then request to be reimbursed by Lorex. I told him I’d schedule later and if there was someone I could talk to about honoring the warranty.
He gives me another 1800 number to call and the message says there is a 1 year free warranty period on equipment and technical assistance. I'm on hold for like twenty minutes. This is bullshit.
1 hour ago
Today, I call Lorex asking them to provide us with an installer. She snottily informs me that they don't do that but to call a company called US Install. Then she asks when we were going to send back the defective camera. I told her I wasn’t aware we had to do that and that we’re looking for an installer to take care of it; she said we are supposed to send back the defective camera within a certain time frame and that they sent us a “label” in April to send it back to them. I assume this is a shipping label? Anyway, I tell her I wasn’t sure we got it and to please send another shipping label; she said she couldn’t do that but would make a note in the system that we are looking for an installer. I asked why couldn’t she reship the shipping label so she offered to transfer me to someone else to help her, and transferred me to a line that has been ringing for the past 4 minutes and no one has answered.
I also asked her if we would be charged for the new camera, and she said that at some point, we would. They will not charge us if the defective camera is sent back. I told her we aren’t even sure if the camera is defective, it could be one of the wires. She assured me that we would be contacted before they billed us.
They truly suck.
Approximately 1.5 months later
Installation from Hell part 4
Then he tells us we need more cable to install the outside cameras. We have to pay for this additional cost and schedule yet another installation visit.
Fast forward a few days later. He comes back and is finally able to connect all four cameras. Phew.
BUT! then he needs to make sure they all work and they can be viewed online. Hours later we still can't figure it out so I send him home because I am tired after having spent literally most of the day with him around. He's a decent guy, but come on now. This is all happening around the holidays and I'd much rather be out Christmas shopping then having to babysit the installer.
So we schedule another visit for him to help us figure out how to view this system online. More hours pass. Finally, we figure out that you can only view it using Internet Explorer. The cameras are set up. He has the password to view our cameras. I'm a little creeped out by it, but let that go. I hope that we are finally done...
installation from Hell part 3
The first problem was connecting the DVR to a monitor or the newly purchased TV(which is what I tried to do but failed at miserably). At first, we tried connecting it to our new TV. It didn't work! Our installer guy scratches his head in frustration. Next we tried using a spare monitor we had lying around. That also didn't work, so our installer gets all exasperated and calls tech support and discovers we need a "special" monitor; a 1280x1024 monitor. Of course, there is no mention of the need for a special monitor in the set up guide. That would be too easy! They don't carry that monitor at the target down the street, but fortunately they did have one (literally one) at Best Buy. So we spend $199.99 bucks and have to schedule yet another visit with the installation guy. More phone tag and scheduling hassle ensues.
Installation from Hell part 2
He finally came up with something that would work, which was no small feat, because not only do you need to have wires running from the camera to the dvr, but you also need the dvr to connect to the internet. Ideally, you'd have the dvr connected to the monitor on your computer that is next to your internet connection, but you have to have a separate monitor just for the DVR (pauses for breath)
He informs us that we can install the DVR to a flat screen tv. So we spend over a grand and buy a nice flat screen tv, a bit disgruntled but figuring that the tv needed to be upgraded eventually, and wait anxiously for him to come back to install our camera system. Little did we know what the future held: wires all over the place, holes in the walls, and the crazy making is just getting started.
Installation from Hell
The guy couldn't figure out how to install this camera system. He spent over 45 minutes going through our house, scratching his head, say "hrrrm, I wonder how we can do this?" I talked him throught it, gave him some ideas and we decided on a rough sketch of how this would be installed.
We purchased a system that comes with wires, which would require drilling holes through the wall. I asked about the wireless systems and was told the picture quality sucked basically.
Anyway, a few days later we are told another inspector is coming out because the other guy was fired! So now we're worried that the other guy is going to break into our house because he was in our house and basically knows how to get in.
Fortunately, that didn't happen but we did have to deal with scheduling the next guy to come in. This next guy turned out to be a real peach (SARCASM).
How it started
It turns out we needed a separate computer monitor - we can't use the one for the computer we are currently using. We also needed a special sized computer monitor. I can't remember the specs but we ended up buying one for $199.99 at Best Buy. Of course, you can buy these monitors from Lorex. Anyway, NONE of this was made clear in any of the directions. (and we didn't find this out until much later)
So we decide to pay someone to come out and install it because we can't figure out how to do it ourselves. We are told the installation cost is $799. The installation nightmare comes next....